Have you recently bought a car and it has become one of your prized possessions now? Are you worried about taking your vehicle out on the road due to the rising number of accidents every day? Getting yourself car insurance would be a safe bet and would give you peace of mind the next time you take your car out. If you want the cheapest car insurance you can come to Arnoldussen and Associates. We have a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable agents who will work with you to get to know about your specific requirements and your budget to be able to give you the optimal coverage for your vehicle. The people of Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, San Luis Obispo, Oceano, CA, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach trust us with their insurance needs as they know that we have the best interest at heart for all our customers and we’ll come up with the right insurance solutions suiting your lifestyle.
Below we have mentioned 2 main types of car insurance claims available in the market. Take a look.
- Car insurance cashless claims
in these types of claims, the insured does not have to pay for the repairs immediately at the car garages of the insurance provider. First, it is the insurance provider who settles the claim on behalf of the policyholder with the garage workshop then the adjustment is done with the policy amount of the insured.
- Car insurance reimbursement claims
For reimbursement claims, at first, the insurer has to pay for the repairs of the damage then depending upon the terms and conditions of the policy he will get the reimbursement claim. In these types of policies, the insured necessarily doesn’t have to get his car repaired at a network car garage of the insurance provider; just submitting the bills and the repair receipts to the policy provider is enough.
So, if you are planning to purchase car insurance for your vehicle, you can give us a call at 805- 489- 3000.